Remote Repair

  • Computer Configurations services include online remote computer repair for Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows 7 computers.

  • Online remote computer repair is the capability to repair most software and hardware issues by allowing a technician to connect to your computer through the Internet. The technician never enters your home or office, and you do not need to take your computer to our location.

  • Remote online computer repair users benefit from saving time, saving money, and by resolving many of the most frustrating issues that trouble today's computers.  The connection is encrypted with 256 bit encryption, is fully secure, and our applet is automatically removed when the service has concluded.

  • Computer Configurations certified technicians are fully trained in:

  • Remote Computer Virus Removal

    Remote Computer Tune Ups

    General Remote Computer Assistance

    Remote Computer Spyware Removal

    Remote Computer Repair For Slow Machines

    Remote Computer Repair Registry Cleaning

    Remote Computer Adware / Popup Removal

    Hard Drive Space Solutions

    Remote Computer Software Installation

    Remote Printer Driver Repair

    Remote Wireless Network Solutions

    Remote Computer Hardware Installations

    Remote Computer Access Setup

    General Networking Solutions

    Remote Computer Parental Software Installation

    All you need is to have your computer hooked up to the Internet with working high speed access. You will also need to be in front of your computer to start the remote computer repair service, and nearby while it is being serviced.  If you choose to, you can watch everything that is being done right on your screen.

    Help is a phone call away!

    Call us 718.818.0921  

    We will schedule an appointment for a technician to assist you with your remote computer repair.


    Call Us Now 718.818.0921 We will schedule an appointment for a technician to repair/upgrade/speedup your computer


    We are here to help
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